You’ve visited this page 3 times. The drumsticks were then glued in place and reinforced with more masking tape. 31 agai

You’ve visited this page 3 times. The drumsticks were then glued in place and reinforced with more masking tape. 31 against the pass in 2013 and ’14, respectively.. Gaines attended the University of Houston where she earned a Bachelor of Science in sport administration.. ‘I’ve been watching the Patriots since I was a little girl…

Friends and family members spoke during the service, which lasted about an hour.. Having a cane. They thank everyone in

Friends and family members spoke during the service, which lasted about an hour.. Having a cane. They thank everyone in advance for affording them some measure of privacy during this difficult time. Other Cleveland based museums include the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and the Cleveland Museum of Art.. Your shoulders play a key role…

The franchise attempted to join another hockey league the following season but ended up quietly folding.. His attempted

The franchise attempted to join another hockey league the following season but ended up quietly folding.. His attempted pass to wide receiver Kenny Lawler was intercepted Raiders cornerback Briean Borders at the Raiders 6. There will be audio feeds in Spanish, Portuguese and even an English language one geared toward foreign fans not as familiar…

“After dealing with the earthquake and now the hurricane, it’s like Haiti can’t catch a break,” Douzable said. Professio

“After dealing with the earthquake and now the hurricane, it’s like Haiti can’t catch a break,” Douzable said. Professional football remains unique among major sports including college football in letting games conclude without a winner.. “She carved out this special thing for herself by doing the stuff that we didn have time for, like crisis…

올해 ‘죽음의 계곡’ 지나는 1300개 기업에 600억 지원

올해 ‘죽음의 계곡’ 지나는 1300개 기업에 600억 지원


한국경제 2017.11.15


소위 ‘죽음의 계곡’을 지나는 창업기업에 대한 지원이 강화된다. 중소벤처기업부는 15일 창업 3~7년차 기업에 자금을 지원하는 ‘창업도약패키지 지원사업’을 확대하겠다고 밝혔다. 죽음의 계곡(death valley)은 창업기업이 연구개발(R&D) 등에 성공했어도 자금 부족 등으로 사업화에 실패할 가능성이 큰 기간인 창업 후 3~7년을 의미한다…

“성장성·기술력이 담보”… 자금지원에 금리우대 혜택

“성장성·기술력이 담보”… 자금지원에 금리우대 혜택


디지털타임스 2017.11.14


중소기업과 창업 초기 기업이 겪는 가장 큰 애로사항은 자금 마련이다. 창업 초기에는 자금 수요가 크지만, 대부분의 기업이 아직 이렇다 할 성과가 없다 보니, 금융권에서 자금을 공급받기도 어렵다. 상황이 이렇다 보니, 국내 창업 및 중소기업 대부분이 생산기반을 담보로 한 담보대출이 대부분인 상황이다…