Average Full Time Clown SalaryThe average salary for advertised clown positions is $38,000, according to Simply Hired, w

Average Full Time Clown SalaryThe average salary for advertised clown positions is $38,000, according to Simply Hired, while State Universtiy reports average earnings of $51,000 a year. These positions are for clowns who work a full schedule in a stable entertainment setting such as an amusement park. Many of these positions involve direct interaction with…

“It’s an unfortunate set of circumstances, but we’ve made the decision to dismiss Shadrach from our program,” NC State h

“It’s an unfortunate set of circumstances, but we’ve made the decision to dismiss Shadrach from our program,” NC State head coach Dave Doeren said in a statement. Raleigh police said Thornton was driving north on the sidewalk on the southbound side of Avent Ferry Road. Woodard was walking south on the sidewalk. Musico, whose client…

일자리 효과 최우선 고려해 중소기업 정책자금 집행한다

일자리 효과 최우선 고려해 중소기업 정책자금 집행한다


한겨레뉴스 2017.07.27


정부가 앞으로 중소기업 정책자금은 일자리를 늘리거나 일자리 질을 높이는 효과를 최우선으로 고려해 집행하기로 했다. 우선 최근 국회에서 통과된 추가경정(추경) 예산에 잡힌 중소기업 정책자금 8000억원부터 양질을 일자리를 창출하는 중소기업에 집중 투입될 예정이다…

